• A Community for Ministerial Formation

  • A Fellowship of Learning and Worship for All

  • Reimagining faith for Scotland… and beyond

Good Morning, and welcome to

The Scottish College

Scottish College gathers people in communities of faith and freedom - to learn and to listen, to speak and to grow. Our programmes prepare individuals to be Ministers of Word and Sacrament, as well as for other forms of service in today’s church.  Our fellowship of learning begins with, but stretches far beyond, our ordinand students. Most modules and worshops we offer are open to all.

The College is in educational partnership with the National Synod of Scotland of the United Reformed Church, for which it provides provide training and development support.

The College  is recognised by the URC General Assembly as a Resource Centre for Learning. The other URC-recognised RCLs are Westminster College and Northern College. A summary of recent work undertaken by the the three institutions can be found here.

Latest News

A new College Manager - Linda Harrison

The Principal and Trustees are delighted to announce that Linda M Harrison will be joining the team in the newly... read more

Seeking a College Manager

The Scottish College is hiring... For details click HERE... read more

Workshops - Video, Social Media, Digital Worship and Communication Skills

The United Reformed Church is offering a series of eight free online workshops on video editing, social media, sharing stories... read more

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